Sunday, September 22, 2024

English Grammar Revision 3rd

English Grammar Revision 

Section A: Types of Sentences (Statements or Questions)

1. Identify if the following sentences are statements or questions:
a. The sky is blue. 
b. Are you going to the party? 
c. The dog is barking loudly. 
d. Did you finish your homework? 
e. She loves reading books. 

Section B: Nouns - Common and Proper Noun

2. Identify whether the underlined words are common nouns or proper nouns:

a. India is a large country. 
b. I saw a lion at the zoo. 
c. Monday is my favorite day of the week. 
d. The teacher gave us homework. 


Section C: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

3. Classify the following nouns as countable or uncountable:
a. Milk 
b. Chairs 
c. Sugar 
d. Apples 

Section D: Singular and Plural Nouns

4. Write the plural form of the following nouns:
a. Man 
b. Leaf 
c. Wolf 

Section E: Noun - Gender

5. Write the opposite gender of the following nouns:
a. Waiter 
b. Queen 
c. Prince 

Section F: Articles (A, An, The)

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct article (a, an, the):

a. I have ______ umbrella. 
b. This is ______ best movie I have ever seen. 
c. He bought ______ car last week. 

Section G: Adjectives and Adjectives of Comparison

7. Identify the adjectives in the following sentences:

a. The tall man won the race. 
b. She is wearing a beautiful dress. 

8. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of comparison:

a. This bag is ______ than that one. (heavy) 
b. Mount Everest is the ______ mountain in the world. (high) 

Section H: Pronouns

9. Replace the underlined words with appropriate pronouns:

a. Samantha is going to the market. 
b. The cat is sleeping under the table. 

Section I: Verbs and Simple Present Tense

10. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the simple present tense:

a. She ______ (eat) an apple every day. 
b. They ______ (play) football after school. 

Class 4 English Grammar Revision

English Grammar Revision 

Section A: Subject and Predicate

1. Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences.

a. The children are playing in the park. 
b. My brother won the first prize in the competition. 
c. The train arrived late at the station. 
d. The sun rises in the east. 
e. She is reading a novel. 

Section B: Nouns

2. Identify the types of nouns (common, proper, abstract):

a. Love is a beautiful emotion. 
b. John went to the market. 
c. The city is crowded. 

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct collective nouns:
a. A ______ of birds flew across the sky. 
b. A ______ of soldiers marched in the parade. 

4. Classify the following nouns as countable or uncountable:
a. Water 
b. Books 
c. Rice 
d. Furniture 


Section C: Singular and Plural Nouns

5. Write the plural form of the following nouns:
a. Child
b. Tooth
c. Goose 


Section D: Nouns - Gender

6. Change the gender of the following nouns:
a. King
b. Actress 


Section E: Possessive Nouns

7. Rewrite the sentences using possessive nouns:
a. The bag of the girl is red.
b. The books of the teacher are on the desk. 


Section F: Adjectives and Comparison of Adjectives

8. Identify the adjectives in the following sentences:
a. The large elephant walked slowly. 
b. The weather is cold today. 

9. Fill in the blanks with the correct form
 of comparison of adjectives (positive, comparative, superlative):

a. She is _______ than her sister. (tall) 
b. This is the _______ book I have ever read. (interesting) 
c. The apple is as _______ as the orange. (sweet) 


Section G: Articles

10. Fill in the blanks with the correct articles (a, an, the):
a. I saw ______ elephant in the zoo. 
b. He is ______ best player in the team. 


Section H: Pronouns

11. Replace the underlined words with appropriate pronouns:
a. John and Mary are going to the concert.
b. The book is on the table. 


Section I: Helping Verbs and Modals

12. Identify the helping verbs in the following sentences:
a. She has been studying all day. 
b. They were playing football. 

13. Choose the correct modal to fill in the blanks:
a. You ______ (can/must) finish your homework before going out. 
b. He ______ (may/must) attend the meeting tomorrow. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

CLASS 3rd English revision sheet

Section A
1.Read the passage and answer the questions 

World animal day is celebrated on 4 October every year. It started in Italy in 1931 to draw the attention of people towards the species of animals that are endangered. These animals may soon die out. Once they become extinct, they will not be seen in this world again. The Bengal tiger and the Blue whale are some endangered animal species.

Now , World animal day is celebrated all over the world. On this day, we focus on the importance of animals in our lives. Many people feel that we can learn a lot from animals, the way they behave and show compassion for one another. We should treat animals with care and be kind to them.

1. When is world animal day celebrated all over the world?
2. When was World animal day first celebrated?
3. Name one animal species that is endangered?
4. How should we treat animals?
5. Write the word meaning of the following

Section B(creative writing)
2.(a) Write an application to the principal for an urgent piece of work. 5

(b) Write a factual description on Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. 5

Section C (grammar)
3. Do as directed
a)You _____ late again. (is/are/am)
b)We ______ at the cinema. (was/were)
c) Write in simple past tense
speak in English 
d) Ask somebody to do these things using' will'
give you his phone number.
e) Make sentences using" Can I…"
to close the window.

        Section D (literature)

4. Answer the following questions. 5
a) What does beer bring for the animals?
b) Who wants to sing at the party?
c)Whom would the poet like as her friends?
d)What was Deepak's favorite place in the class?
e)How old was Alice?

             Section E ( Spellings). 5
5. Add suitable suffix- able / ful / less 
Enjoy -
Fear -
Colour -

6. Fill the missing letters. 1

7. Write one word for the following. 1
Very tasty- 


Section A
1. Read the passage and answer the questions 5

Birbal was an advisor at the Mughal court when the Mughal emperor Akbar ruled in the 16th century. He was one of the most trusted members of the emperor's 9 advisors called the navratnas. Birbal was born in a Brahmin family in the Sindhi district of Madhya Pradesh. His real name was Mahesh Das Braham Bhatt. He was educated in the regional and Persian languages as he grew up. He was a poet and author who became well known for his wisdom and intelligence. Akbar invited him to be a part of his royal court and gave him the name Birbal. Akbar also called him Raja Birbal.

Another famous person was Tenali Rama, who was a court poet of the Vijayanagar Empire in the 16th century. He was born in a Telugu Brahmin family and mastered the Sanskrit and Telugu languages. He composed many poems. King Krishna devaraya was impressed by Tenali Rama when he reached his court one day. He was included as one of the Ashtadiggajas in the king's court. Eight very good Telugu poets formed the Ashtadiggajas. Tenali Rama was known for his wisdom and brilliance. He wrote many famous poems.

Answer the following questions
What were the 9 advisors of emperor Akbar called?
In which state of India was Birbal born?
Which languages did Tenali Rama master?
Name the king in whose caught Tenali Rama was a poet.
Who were the members of the Ashtadiggajas?

Section B. (Creative writing)
2. Write a factual description on Rani Lakshmi Bai. 5

3. Complete the story using the following sentence starters-. 5

A boy hungry- jumped high to reach mango- not successful- monkey in tree - boy threw stone at monkey -threw mango at boy- thanked monkey.

Section C
6.Answer the following questions. 5
Who were Lakshmibai parents and whom did she marry?
According to the poet, who is the dearest mother?
Why was Birbal chosen to go to heaven?
How many species of birds visit the reef or roost on the island?
Why did emperor Akbar reward the Birbal in the end?

Section D (Grammar)
7.Do as directed. 5
a) Make sentence using"can I…"
read your newspaper.
b) Complete answers using 'may'
     Q-When will your uncle arrive?
     A- He____ ______tomorrow
c) Ask somebody using ' will'
Turn the tap off.
d) Make sentences using (must/mustn't)
Make a noise in the class.
e) Write plural nouns
Woman -

Section E(Spelling)
8. Fill the missing letter-. 3

_n_ _ch_ _

9. Add appropriate suffix (ness/able/ful). 2
dark +________=________

Monday, March 11, 2024

50 homonyms with meanings suitable for children in 3rd and 4th grade


1. Bark - (the sound a dog makes) / (outer covering of a tree)
2. Bat - (a flying mammal) / (a piece of sports equipment used in baseball)
3. Bowl - (a round container for holding food) / (to throw something)
4. Buckle - (a fastener for belts) / (to bend or collapse under pressure)
5. Can - (a container) / (able to)
6. Club - (a group or organization) / (a heavy stick used as a weapon)
7. Crane - (a bird with a long neck) / (a machine used for lifting heavy objects)
8. Date - (a social outing) / (a particular day on the calendar)
9. Duck - (a type of bird) / (to lower your head quickly to avoid something)
10. Fair - (just and unbiased) / (an event with rides and games)
11. Fan - (a device for cooling) / (someone who admires a person or team)
12. Jam - (a sweet spread for bread) / (a traffic congestion)
13. Lead - (to guide or direct) / (a type of metal)
14. Light - (brightness) / (not heavy)
15. Match - (a game with two opponents) / (a stick used to produce fire)
16. Park - (a public recreational area) / (to place a vehicle in a certain location)
17. Pen - (a writing instrument) / (an enclosure for animals)
18. Pitch - (the quality of sound) / (to throw something)
19. Ring - (a circular piece of jewelry) / (to make a ringing sound)
20. Rock - (a hard mineral substance) / (to sway back and forth)
21. Roll - (to move by turning over and over) / (a piece of bread)
22. Scale - (a tool for measuring weight) / (to climb up or down)
23. Seal - (an aquatic mammal) / (to close tightly)
24. Sink - (a basin for washing) / (to descend below the surface)
25. Sole - (the underside of the foot) / (the only one)
26. Spell - (to form words correctly) / (a period of time)
27. Spring - (a season) / (to jump suddenly)
28. Square - (a shape with four equal sides) / (to settle a debt)
29. Tear - (to rip apart) / (a drop of moisture from the eye)
30. Tip - (the pointed end) / (a piece of advice)
31. Trunk - (the main stem of a tree) / (the storage space in a car)
32. Watch - (to observe) / (a timepiece worn on the wrist)
33. Wave - (a gesture with the hand) / (a disturbance on the surface of water)
34. Well - (a source of water) / (in good health)
35. Yard - (an outdoor area) / (a unit of measurement)
36. Bark - (the sound a dog makes) / (outer covering of a tree)
37. Bat - (a flying mammal) / (a piece of sports equipment used in baseball)
38. Bowl - (a round container for holding food) / (to throw something)
39. Buckle - (a fastener for belts) / (to bend or collapse under pressure)
40. Can - (a container) / (able to)
41. Club - (a group or organization) / (a heavy stick used as a weapon)
42. Crane - (a bird with a long neck) / (a machine used for lifting heavy objects)
43. Date - (a social outing) / (a particular day on the calendar)
44. Duck - (a type of bird) / (to lower your head quickly to avoid something)
45. Fan - (a device for cooling) / (someone who admires a person or team)
46. Jam - (a sweet spread for bread) / (a traffic congestion)
47. Lead - (to guide or direct) / (a type of metal)
48. Light - (brightness) / (not heavy)
49. Match - (a game with two opponents) / (a stick used to produce fire)
50. Park - (a public recreational area) / (to place a vehicle in a certain location)

50 homophones with meanings suitable for children in 3rd and 4th grade

1. Ate - (past tense of eat)
   Eight - (the number)
2. Bare - (naked)
   Bear - (animal)
3. Break - (pause or rest)
   Brake - (device for stopping)
4. Blue - (color)
   Blew - (past tense of blow)
5. Eye - (organ of sight)
   I - (personal pronoun)
6. Flour - (powdered grain)
   Flower - (blossom)
7. Hair - (strands on the head)
   Hare - (small mammal)
8. Hear - (perceive sound)
   Here - (in this place)
9. Pair - (two of something)
   Pear - (fruit)
10. See - (perceive with the eyes)
    Sea - (large body of water)
11. Sun - (star)
    Son - (male child)
12. Tail - (end of an animal)
    Tale - (story)
13. To - (toward)
    Too - (also)
14. Wait - (stay in expectation)
    Weight - (measure of heaviness)
15. Waste - (useless material)
    Waist - (part of the body)
16. Way - (method or manner)
    Weigh - (measure the weight)
17. Night - (period of darkness)
    Knight - (medieval warrior)
18. Right - (correct)
    Write - (record with words)
19. Piece - (part or portion)
    Peace - (freedom from war)
20. Witch - (magical person)
    Which - (what one)
21. Sail - (propel a boat)
    Sale - (act of selling)
22. Bare - (naked)
    Bear - (animal)
23. Ball - (round object)
    Bawl - (cry loudly)
24. Blue - (color)
    Blew - (past tense of blow)
25. Flower - (blossom)
    Flour - (powdered grain)
26. Hour - (unit of time)
    Our - (belonging to us)
27. Bare - (naked)
    Bear - (animal)
28. Brake - (device for stopping)
    Break - (pause or rest)
29. Son - (male child)
    Sun - (star)
30. Mail - (postal system)
    Male - (man or boy)
31. Meet - (encounter)
    Meat - (flesh of animals)
32. Pair - (two of something)
    Pear - (fruit)
33. Right - (correct)
    Write - (record with words)
34. Two - (the number)
    Too - (also)
35. Sea - (large body of water)
    See - (perceive with the eyes)
36. Blue - (color)
    Blew - (past tense of blow)
37. Fare - (price of a ticket)
    Fair - (just and unbiased)
38. Flower - (blossom)
    Flour - (powdered grain)
39. Nose - (part of the face)
    Knows - (is aware of)
40. Maid - (female servant)
    Made - (past tense of make)
41. Night - (period of darkness)
    Knight - (medieval warrior)
42. Tail - (end of an animal)
    Tale - (story)
43. Mail - (postal system)
    Male - (man or boy)
44. Sea - (large body of water)
    See - (perceive with the eyes)
45. Pair - (two of something)
    Pear - (fruit)
46. Bear - (animal)
    Bare - (naked)
47. Right - (correct)
    Write - (record with words)
48. Blue - (color)
    Blew - (past tense of blow)
49. To - (toward)
    Too - (also)
50. Son - (male child)
    Sun - (star)

50 synonyms suitable for children in 3rd and 4th grade:


1. Big - Large
2. Small - Little
3. Happy - Joyful
4. Sad - Unhappy
5. Fast - Quick
6. Slow - Sluggish
7. Smart - Intelligent
8. Funny - Hilarious
9. Scared - Afraid
10. Brave - Courageous
11. Nice - Kind
12. Mean - Unkind
13. Bright - Shiny
14. Dark - Dim
15. Tired - Exhausted
16. Hungry - Starving
17. Full - Satisfied
18. Old - Elderly
19. New - Fresh
20. Quiet - Silent
21. Loud - Noisy
22. Hard - Difficult
23. Easy - Simple
24. Happy - Content
25. Sad - Gloomy
26. Big - Huge
27. Small - Tiny
28. Hot - Warm
29. Cold - Chilly
30. Sweet - Sugary
31. Sour - Tart
32. Kind - Gentle
33. Brave - Fearless
34. Bright - Luminous
35. Shy - Timid
36. Brave - Bold
37. Fast - Swift
38. Slow - Leisurely
39. Tasty - Delicious
40. Yummy - Delectable
41. Funny - Amusing
42. Smart - Clever
43. Happy - Delighted
44. Sad - Melancholy
45. Kind - Nice
46. Brave - Valiant
47. Fast - Rapid
48. Slow - Gradual
49. Loud - Boisterous
50. Quiet - Peaceful

50 masculine and feminine pairs suitable for children in 3rd and 4th grade:


1. Boy - Girl
2. Man - Woman
3. Father - Mother
4. Son - Daughter
5. Uncle - Aunt
6. Brother - Sister
7. King - Queen
8. Prince - Princess
9. Nephew - Niece
10. Husband - Wife
11. Grandfather - Grandmother
12. Grandson - Granddaughter
13. Dad - Mom
14. Mr. - Mrs.
15. Sir - Madam
16. Father-in-law - Mother-in-law
17. Groom - Bride
18. Bachelor - Bachelorette
19. Actor - Actress
20. Hero - Heroine
21. Duke - Duchess
22. Emperor - Empress
23. Sir - Lady
24. Godfather - Godmother
25. Stepfather - Stepmother
26. Male - Female
27. Brother-in-law - Sister-in-law
28. He - She
29. King - Empress
30. Sir - Dame
31. Gentleman - Lady
32. Father - Daughter
33. Son - Mother
34. Grandpa - Grandma
35. Father - Mother
36. Uncle - Auntie
37. Nephew - Niece
38. Father - Sister
39. Grandpa - Sister
40. Brother - Mother
41. Uncle - Mother
42. Boy - Mother
43. Father - Aunt
44. Son - Sister
45. Brother - Daughter
46. Dad - Sister
47. Grandpa - Aunt
48. Uncle - Daughter
49. Nephew - Mother
50. Boy - Aunt

50 singular and plural pairs suitable for children in 3rd and 4th grade

1. Cat - Cats
2. Dog - Dogs
3. Bird - Birds
4. Child - Children
5. Mouse - Mice
6. Tooth - Teeth
7. Foot - Feet
8. Person - People
9. Fish - Fish (same for singular and plural)
10. Goose - Geese
11. Sheep - Sheep (same for singular and plural)
12. Deer - Deer (same for singular and plural)
13. Fox - Foxes
14. Horse - Horses
15. Cow - Cows
16. Pig - Pigs
17. Bee - Bees
18. Butterfly - Butterflies
19. Wolf - Wolves
20. Rabbit - Rabbits
21. Elephant - Elephants
22. Giraffe - Giraffes
23. Lion - Lions
24. Tiger - Tigers
25. Monkey - Monkeys
26. Kangaroo - Kangaroos
27. Zebra - Zebras
28. Ant - Ants
29. Spider - Spiders
30. Snake - Snakes
31. Frog - Frogs
32. Bear - Bears
33. Panda - Pandas
34. Koala - Koalas
35. Penguin - Penguins
36. Octopus - Octopuses / Octopi
37. Jellyfish - Jellyfish (same for singular and plural)
38. Ostrich - Ostriches
39. Platypus - Platypuses / Platypi
40. Walrus - Walruses
41. Dolphin - Dolphins
42. Shark - Sharks
43. Whale - Whales
44. Seal - Seals
45. Penguin - Penguins
46. Camel - Camels
47. Rhinoceros - Rhinoceroses / Rhinoceri
48. Hippopotamus - Hippopotamuses / Hippopotami
49. Crocodile - Crocodiles
50. Alligator - Alligators

50 opposite words suitable for children in 3rd and 4th grade:

1. Above - Below
2. After - Before
3. Alive - Dead
4. Always - Never
5. Begin - End
6. Big - Small
7. Black - White
8. Boy - Girl
9. Brave - Cowardly
10. Bright - Dark
11. Buy - Sell
12. Close - Open
13. Cold - Hot
14. Day - Night
15. Dirty - Clean
16. Dry - Wet
17. Early - Late
18. Easy - Difficult
19. Empty - Full
20. Fast - Slow
21. Fat - Thin
22. First - Last
23. Forget - Remember
24. Friend - Enemy
25. Hard - Soft
26. Heavy - Light
27. High - Low
28. In - Out
29. Kind - Mean
30. Laugh - Cry
31. Light - Heavy
32. Long - Short
33. Lost - Found
34. Loud - Quiet
35. Many - Few
36. Near - Far
37. New - Old
38. Night - Day
39. Noisy - Silent
40. North - South
41. Open - Closed
42. Over - Under
43. Poor - Rich
44. Push - Pull
45. Rich - Poor
46. Safe - Dangerous
47. Short - Tall
48. Shy - Bold
49. Strong - Weak
50. Summer - Winter

50 vocabulary words related to habits, along with synonyms for each:

1. Habit - Routine, Behavior
2. Routine - Schedule, Regimen
3. Behavior - Conduct, Actions
4. Custom - Tradition, Practice
5. Practice - Habit, Custom
6. Pattern - Regularity, Sequence
7. Ritual - Ceremony, Tradition
8. Tradition - Custom, Practice
9. Rote - Repetition, Memorization
10. Addiction - Dependency, Obsession
11. Dependency - Reliance, Addiction
12. Obsession - Fixation, Preoccupation
13. Tendency - Inclination, Propensity
14. Inclination - Tendency, Preference
15. Propensity - Tendency, Inclination
16. Quirk - Eccentricity, Peculiarity
17. Idiosyncrasy - Quirk, Eccentricity
18. Compulsion - Urge, Drive
19. Routine - Schedule, Regimen
20. Instinct - Intuition, Impulse
21. Impulse - Urge, Inclination
22. Craving - Desire, Longing
23. Desire - Craving, Wish
24. Longing - Desire, Yearning
25. Proclivity - Inclination, Tendency
26. Ingrained - Inherent, Deep-rooted
27. Tradition - Custom, Practice
28. Ritual - Ceremony, Tradition
29. Addiction - Dependency, Obsession
30. Dependency - Reliance, Addiction
31. Compulsion - Urge, Drive
32. Addiction - Dependency, Obsession
33. Obsession - Fixation, Preoccupation
34. Tendency - Inclination, Propensity
35. Proclivity - Inclination, Tendency
36. Impulse - Urge, Inclination
37. Craving - Desire, Longing
38. Habitual - Routine, Regular
39. Routine - Schedule, Regimen
40. Compulsion - Urge, Drive
41. Quirk - Eccentricity, Peculiarity
42. Idiosyncrasy - Quirk, Eccentricity
43. Instinct - Intuition, Impulse
44. Craving - Desire, Longing
45. Ingrained - Inherent, Deep-rooted
46. Habitual - Routine, Regular
47. Proclivity - Inclination, Tendency
48. Ingrained - Inherent, Deep-rooted
49. Ritual - Ceremony, Tradition
50. Tradition - Custom, Practice

50 vocabulary words related to discipline, along with synonyms for each

1. Discipline - Self-control, Regulation
2. Control - Restraint, Mastery
3. Behavior - Conduct, Actions
4. Self-discipline - Self-control, Willpower
5. Regulation - Control, Management
6. Order - Organization, Arrangement
7. Structure - Framework, System
8. Obedience - Compliance, Submissiveness
9. Compliance - Adherence, Conformity
10. Conformity - Accordance, Uniformity
11. Punishment - Penalty, Consequence
12. Punitive - Disciplinary, Corrective
13. Authority - Power, Control
14. Enforcement - Implementation, Application
15. Respect - Admiration, Esteem
16. Responsibility - Duty, Obligation
17. Accountability - Responsibility, Answerability
18. Rule - Regulation, Guideline
19. Regulation - Control, Management
20. Self-control - Self-discipline, Restraint
21. Training - Instruction, Coaching
22. Education - Learning, Knowledge
23. Focus - Concentration, Attention
24. Routine - Schedule, Habit
25. Commitment - Dedication, Devotion
26. Adherence - Compliance, Conformity
27. Authority - Power, Control
28. Punitive - Disciplinary, Corrective
29. Governance - Administration, Management
30. Deterrent - Prevention, Hindrance
31. Protocol - Procedure, Code
32. Supervision - Oversight, Monitoring
33. Consistency - Uniformity, Reliability
34. Persistence - Perseverance, Determination
35. Training - Instruction, Coaching
36. Punishment - Penalty, Consequence
37. Constraint - Limitation, Restriction
38. Orderliness - Organization, Neatness
39. Rigor - Strictness, Severity
40. Deterrence - Prevention, Dissuasion
41. Structure - Framework, System
42. Willpower - Self-control, Determination
43. Consequence - Result, Outcome
44. Punitive - Disciplinary, Corrective
45. Governance - Administration, Management
46. Adherence - Compliance, Conformity
47. Authority - Power, Control
48. Protocol - Procedure, Code
49. Oversight - Supervision, Inspection
50. Discipline - Self-control, Regulation