Sunday, September 22, 2024

English Grammar Revision 3rd

English Grammar Revision 

Section A: Types of Sentences (Statements or Questions)

1. Identify if the following sentences are statements or questions:
a. The sky is blue. 
b. Are you going to the party? 
c. The dog is barking loudly. 
d. Did you finish your homework? 
e. She loves reading books. 

Section B: Nouns - Common and Proper Noun

2. Identify whether the underlined words are common nouns or proper nouns:

a. India is a large country. 
b. I saw a lion at the zoo. 
c. Monday is my favorite day of the week. 
d. The teacher gave us homework. 


Section C: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

3. Classify the following nouns as countable or uncountable:
a. Milk 
b. Chairs 
c. Sugar 
d. Apples 

Section D: Singular and Plural Nouns

4. Write the plural form of the following nouns:
a. Man 
b. Leaf 
c. Wolf 

Section E: Noun - Gender

5. Write the opposite gender of the following nouns:
a. Waiter 
b. Queen 
c. Prince 

Section F: Articles (A, An, The)

6. Fill in the blanks with the correct article (a, an, the):

a. I have ______ umbrella. 
b. This is ______ best movie I have ever seen. 
c. He bought ______ car last week. 

Section G: Adjectives and Adjectives of Comparison

7. Identify the adjectives in the following sentences:

a. The tall man won the race. 
b. She is wearing a beautiful dress. 

8. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of comparison:

a. This bag is ______ than that one. (heavy) 
b. Mount Everest is the ______ mountain in the world. (high) 

Section H: Pronouns

9. Replace the underlined words with appropriate pronouns:

a. Samantha is going to the market. 
b. The cat is sleeping under the table. 

Section I: Verbs and Simple Present Tense

10. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the simple present tense:

a. She ______ (eat) an apple every day. 
b. They ______ (play) football after school. 

Class 4 English Grammar Revision

English Grammar Revision 

Section A: Subject and Predicate

1. Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentences.

a. The children are playing in the park. 
b. My brother won the first prize in the competition. 
c. The train arrived late at the station. 
d. The sun rises in the east. 
e. She is reading a novel. 

Section B: Nouns

2. Identify the types of nouns (common, proper, abstract):

a. Love is a beautiful emotion. 
b. John went to the market. 
c. The city is crowded. 

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct collective nouns:
a. A ______ of birds flew across the sky. 
b. A ______ of soldiers marched in the parade. 

4. Classify the following nouns as countable or uncountable:
a. Water 
b. Books 
c. Rice 
d. Furniture 


Section C: Singular and Plural Nouns

5. Write the plural form of the following nouns:
a. Child
b. Tooth
c. Goose 


Section D: Nouns - Gender

6. Change the gender of the following nouns:
a. King
b. Actress 


Section E: Possessive Nouns

7. Rewrite the sentences using possessive nouns:
a. The bag of the girl is red.
b. The books of the teacher are on the desk. 


Section F: Adjectives and Comparison of Adjectives

8. Identify the adjectives in the following sentences:
a. The large elephant walked slowly. 
b. The weather is cold today. 

9. Fill in the blanks with the correct form
 of comparison of adjectives (positive, comparative, superlative):

a. She is _______ than her sister. (tall) 
b. This is the _______ book I have ever read. (interesting) 
c. The apple is as _______ as the orange. (sweet) 


Section G: Articles

10. Fill in the blanks with the correct articles (a, an, the):
a. I saw ______ elephant in the zoo. 
b. He is ______ best player in the team. 


Section H: Pronouns

11. Replace the underlined words with appropriate pronouns:
a. John and Mary are going to the concert.
b. The book is on the table. 


Section I: Helping Verbs and Modals

12. Identify the helping verbs in the following sentences:
a. She has been studying all day. 
b. They were playing football. 

13. Choose the correct modal to fill in the blanks:
a. You ______ (can/must) finish your homework before going out. 
b. He ______ (may/must) attend the meeting tomorrow.