Sunday, March 19, 2023


‌contract- to get an illness

‌Persistent-continuous, lasting for a long time or happening often

‌vandalize -knowingly destroy something

‌Vying - to strive in competition or rivalry with another; contend for superiority. Swimmers from many nations were vying for the title.

‌ threw his hat in the ring- to announce your intention of entering a competition or election

‌all walks of life -  to different types of jobs and different levels of society

‌forefront. -the position at the front

‌ deliberation- discussion or thinking about something in detail

‌ bilateral- involving two groups of people or two countries

‌ counterpart- a person or thing that has a similar position or function in a different country or organization

‌Raisina dialogue

‌ arbitrary- without any reason

‌crackdown -action to stop bad or illegal behaviour

‌allay- to make something less strong

‌(पीड़ा, कष्‍ट, भय आदि की) तीव्रता या प्रबलता कम करना

‌ apprehensions भय, चिंता

‌ combated - fighted

‌rumour-monger- the one who spread the rumour अफवाह फैलाने वाला

‌ Swift action - quick action

‌hail - to proclaim that somebody/something is very good or very special

‌ philanthropist- a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money

‌ extensive- विस्‍तृत

‌commend-to see officially that something somebody is good

‌ humility-not thinking that I am better than somebody else

‌ clinched- to finally manage to get what you want in an argument or business agreement

‌To clinch a deal

‌Clinched  gold medal

‌ stumbled-to hit your foot against something when you are walking or running and almost fall over/to make a mistake when you are speaking, playing music, etc.

‌outlast -to continue to exist or to do something for a longer time than somebody/something

‌अन्‍य की अपेक्षा देर तक बने रहना या जीवित रहना या कोई काम करते रहना

‌rival-a person or thing that is competing with you

‌ notching up- achieve

‌ unassailable -- unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated.

‌ closer to a berth- near your goal

‌claimed- to say that something is true, without having any proof बिना प्रमाण प्रस्‍तुत किए सत्‍यता का दावा करना

‌ smashing -extremely good; wonderful बहुत बढ़िया; कमाल का

‌Pressure smashing

‌ decisive-making something certain or final निर्णायक या अंतिम

‌Prove decisive

‌cited- to mention something or use somebody’s exact words as an example to support, or as proof of, what you are saying उदाहरण या प्रमाणस्‍वरूप किसी बात का उल्‍लेख करना या किसी व्‍यक्ति के मूल शब्‍द उद्धृत करना

‌She cited a passage from the President’s speech.

‌step up - come forward for a particular purpose.

‌Phil stepped up to coach the team"

‌take down - write down spoken words.- "I took down the address"

‌to continue doing something; to continue being done

‌कुछ करना जारी रखना; कोई बात होते रहना

‌The building work was proceeding according to schedule.The building work was proceeding according to schedule.

‌ glittering- very impressive or successful बहुत प्रभावशाली या सफल

‌a glittering career/performance / a glittering career

‌lit up - make shine or glow. buff up. burnish. clear up.

‌ compelling - that forces or persuades you to do or to believe something बाध्यकर, प्रबल प्रेरक; विवश करने वाला compelling evidence-  compelling knock

‌ Mammoth -big modern animal elephant

‌ capitalise- use something to your own advantage: She capitalized on her experience to get a better paying job/ exploit

‌tottering - to stand or move in a way that is not steady, as if you are going to fall, especially because you are drunk, ill or weak  लड़खड़ाना

‌hefty-big and strong or heavy

‌बड़ा और मज़बूत या भारी

‌a hefty young man

‌fearsome- frightening, especially in appearance.

‌"the cat mewed, displaying a fearsome set of teeth

‌grueling- very tiring and long     बहुत थकाने वाला और लंबा  a gruelling nine-hour march

‌magnificent-extremely impressive and attractive

‌अत्‍यधिक प्रभावशाली और आकर्षक, भव्‍य, शानदार

‌prestigious- very much respected and admired

‌ counts gains in loss- see good in bad

‌envoy- a person who is sent by a government with a message to another country अन्‍य देश में सरकार द्वारा संदेशवाहक दूत, राजकीय दूत, राजदूत

‌strangled- to kill somebody by squeezing his/her neck or throat with your hands, a rope, etc.

‌(हाथ, रस्‍सी आदि से) गरदन या गला घोंट कर किसी को मार देना

‌Similar: throttled

‌accused- to say that somebody has done something wrong or broken the law किसी व्‍यक्ति पर कुछ गलत करने का आरोप लगाना; क़ानून तोड़ने का दोषी ठहराना He was accused of murder and sent for trial.

‌a moot point - debatable subject /has no easy answer/ waste of time to discuss

‌contract- to get an illness

‌Persistent-continuous, lasting for a long time or happening often

‌vandalize -knowingly destroy something

‌Vying - to strive in competition or rivalry with another; contend for superiority. Swimmers from many nations were vying for the title.

‌ threw his hat in the ring- to announce your intention of entering a competition or election

‌all walks of life -  to different types of jobs and different levels of society

‌forefront. -the position at the front

‌ deliberation- discussion or thinking about something in detail

‌ bilateral- involving two groups of people or two countries

‌ counterpart- a person or thing that has a similar position or function in a different country or organization

‌Raisina dialogue

‌ arbitrary- without any reason

‌crackdown -action to stop bad or illegal behaviour

‌allay- to make something less strong

‌(पीड़ा, कष्‍ट, भय आदि की) तीव्रता या प्रबलता कम करना

‌ apprehensions भय, चिंता

‌ combated - fighted

‌rumour-monger- the one who spread the rumour अफवाह फैलाने वाला

‌ Swift action - quick action

‌hail - to proclaim that somebody/something is very good or very special

‌ philanthropist- a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money

‌ extensive- विस्‍तृत

‌commend-to see officially that something somebody is good

‌ humility-not thinking that I am better than somebody else

‌ clinched- to finally manage to get what you want in an argument or business agreement

‌To clinch a deal

‌Clinched  gold medal

‌ stumbled-to hit your foot against something when you are walking or running and almost fall over/to make a mistake when you are speaking, playing music, etc.

‌outlast -to continue to exist or to do something for a longer time than somebody/something

‌अन्‍य की अपेक्षा देर तक बने रहना या जीवित रहना या कोई काम करते रहना

‌rival-a person or thing that is competing with you

‌ notching up- achieve

‌ unassailable -- unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated.

‌ closer to a berth- near your goal

‌claimed- to say that something is true, without having any proof बिना प्रमाण प्रस्‍तुत किए सत्‍यता का दावा करना

‌ smashing -extremely good; wonderful बहुत बढ़िया; कमाल का

‌Pressure smashing

‌ decisive-making something certain or final निर्णायक या अंतिम

‌Prove decisive

‌cited- to mention something or use somebody’s exact words as an example to support, or as proof of, what you are saying उदाहरण या प्रमाणस्‍वरूप किसी बात का उल्‍लेख करना या किसी व्‍यक्ति के मूल शब्‍द उद्धृत करना

‌She cited a passage from the President’s speech.

‌step up - come forward for a particular purpose.

‌Phil stepped up to coach the team"

‌take down - write down spoken words.- "I took down the address"

‌to continue doing something; to continue being done

‌कुछ करना जारी रखना; कोई बात होते रहना

‌The building work was proceeding according to schedule.The building work was proceeding according to schedule.

‌ glittering- very impressive or successful बहुत प्रभावशाली या सफल

‌a glittering career/performance / a glittering career

‌lit up - make shine or glow. buff up. burnish. clear up.

‌ compelling - that forces or persuades you to do or to believe something बाध्यकर, प्रबल प्रेरक; विवश करने वाला compelling evidence-  compelling knock

‌ Mammoth -big modern animal elephant

‌ capitalise- use something to your own advantage: She capitalized on her experience to get a better paying job/ exploit

‌tottering - to stand or move in a way that is not steady, as if you are going to fall, especially because you are drunk, ill or weak  लड़खड़ाना

‌hefty-big and strong or heavy

‌बड़ा और मज़बूत या भारी

‌a hefty young man

‌fearsome- frightening, especially in appearance.

‌"the cat mewed, displaying a fearsome set of teeth

‌grueling- very tiring and long     बहुत थकाने वाला और लंबा  a gruelling nine-hour march

‌magnificent-extremely impressive and attractive

‌अत्‍यधिक प्रभावशाली और आकर्षक, भव्‍य, शानदार

‌prestigious- very much respected and admired

‌ counts gains in loss- see good in bad

‌envoy- a person who is sent by a government with a message to another country अन्‍य देश में सरकार द्वारा संदेशवाहक दूत, राजकीय दूत, राजदूत

‌strangled- to kill somebody by squeezing his/her neck or throat with your hands, a rope, etc.

‌(हाथ, रस्‍सी आदि से) गरदन या गला घोंट कर किसी को मार देना

‌Similar: throttled

‌accused- to say that somebody has done something wrong or broken the law किसी व्‍यक्ति पर कुछ गलत करने का आरोप लगाना; क़ानून तोड़ने का दोषी ठहराना He was accused of murder and sent for trial.

‌a moot point - debatable subject /has no easy answer/ waste of time to discuss

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