Subject English
Poem - Dandelion
Poet - Ruskin Bond
Part A question answer
1. What is an insult to nature's generosity?
A - It is an insult to nature's generosity that people call the cheerful dandelion flower a common weed.
2. How ,according to the poet, do people often degrade the dandelion?
A- People often degrade the dandelion by calling it a common weed whereas it is a cheerful flower.
3. Why does the poet called the dendaline tough and resiliant?
A- The poet calls dandelion tough and resilient because it is able to survive in all difficulties.
4. How do a dandelion give delight to people?
A- When all the other flowers are out of sight dandelion is the only flowers that gives delight and growing everywhere.
5. Why is the puff ball special?
A- It is special because you can wish and blow it clean away.If the person is kind and pure of heart, It may make the wish come true.
Part B Reference to context
1. Tough and resilient
Giving delight
When other flowers are out of sight
a. Which flower is the poet talking about?
A- The poet is talking about the dandelion flower.
b. How does this flower give delight?
A- The dandelion can grow in any condition and at any place and so when other flowers can't be seen , the poet says that the dandelion gives delight to people.
c. What is meant by out of sight?
A- Out of sight means the flowers were not visible to anywhere because they don't grow in all seasons.
2. The magic flower me just respond
And help you on your way
a. Which flower does the speaker call a magic flower? Why?
A- The speaker calls the dandelion flower magic flower because it fulfills our wish.
B. To what will the magic flower respond?
A- The magic flower will response to a person's wish if the person is kind and pure of heart.
C. What has to be done before the magic flower responds?
A- To make the magic flower respond one needs to say ' please make my wish come true' .
Think and answer
Q3- Dandelion are used in herbal medicines, as companion plants in gardens and even create natural rubber. Research and find out more about Dandelion.
Ans 3- 1.Dandelions are highly nutritious plants loaded with
vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
2.Dandelion flower has antioxidant properties.
3.Dandelion may also improves the immune system.
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