Monday, March 11, 2024

50 masculine and feminine pairs suitable for children in 3rd and 4th grade:


1. Boy - Girl
2. Man - Woman
3. Father - Mother
4. Son - Daughter
5. Uncle - Aunt
6. Brother - Sister
7. King - Queen
8. Prince - Princess
9. Nephew - Niece
10. Husband - Wife
11. Grandfather - Grandmother
12. Grandson - Granddaughter
13. Dad - Mom
14. Mr. - Mrs.
15. Sir - Madam
16. Father-in-law - Mother-in-law
17. Groom - Bride
18. Bachelor - Bachelorette
19. Actor - Actress
20. Hero - Heroine
21. Duke - Duchess
22. Emperor - Empress
23. Sir - Lady
24. Godfather - Godmother
25. Stepfather - Stepmother
26. Male - Female
27. Brother-in-law - Sister-in-law
28. He - She
29. King - Empress
30. Sir - Dame
31. Gentleman - Lady
32. Father - Daughter
33. Son - Mother
34. Grandpa - Grandma
35. Father - Mother
36. Uncle - Auntie
37. Nephew - Niece
38. Father - Sister
39. Grandpa - Sister
40. Brother - Mother
41. Uncle - Mother
42. Boy - Mother
43. Father - Aunt
44. Son - Sister
45. Brother - Daughter
46. Dad - Sister
47. Grandpa - Aunt
48. Uncle - Daughter
49. Nephew - Mother
50. Boy - Aunt

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