Monday, March 11, 2024

50 vocabulary words along with their meanings:

1. Analyze - Examine methodically and in detail.
2. Evaluate - Assess or appraise the value or quality of something.
3. Interpret - Explain the meaning of something.
4. Synthesize - Combine different elements to form a coherent whole.
5. Hypothesize - Propose a hypothesis or an assumption.
6. Critique - Evaluate or analyze in a detailed and critical way.
7. Assess - Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of something.
8. Infer - Deduce or conclude information from evidence and reasoning.
9. Deduce - Reach a conclusion through logical reasoning.
10. Compare - Examine the similarities and differences between two or more things.
11. Contrast - Highlight the differences between two or more things.
12. Comprehend - Understand the meaning or significance of something.
13. Elaborate - Add details to provide more clarity or explanation.
14. Examine - Inspect or scrutinize something closely.
15. Justify - Provide reasons or evidence to support a decision, action, or belief.
16. Validate - Confirm the accuracy or validity of something.
17. Conclude - Arrive at a judgment or decision based on reasoning or evidence.
18. Demonstrate - Show or prove something clearly and convincingly.
19. Illustrate - Provide examples or visual aids to clarify or explain something.
20. Distinguish - Recognize or point out the differences between two or more things.
21. Define - State or explain the precise meaning of something.
22. Describe - Provide a detailed account or portrayal of something.
23. Identify - Recognize or establish the identity of something.
24. Summarize - Give a brief statement of the main points or ideas.
25. Clarify - Make something easier to understand by explaining it more clearly.
26. Extrapolate - Extend or infer something beyond known information or data.
27. Imply - Suggest or indicate something indirectly or without explicitly stating it.
28. Resolve - Settle or find a solution to a problem, dispute, or conflict.
29. Propose - Put forward or suggest a plan, idea, or theory for consideration.
30. Articulate - Express or communicate something clearly and effectively.
31. Expound - Explain or discuss something in detail.
32. Enumerate - List or mention things one by one.
33. Formulate - Create or devise something carefully and systematically.
34. Integrate - Combine or merge multiple parts into a unified whole.
35. Abstract - Considered in relation to general qualities or characteristics, rather than specific instances.
36. Differentiate - Distinguish or recognize what makes something different.
37. Predict - Foretell or estimate what will happen in the future based on evidence or experience.
38. Reconcile - Resolve or make compatible conflicting ideas or beliefs.
39. Verify - Confirm the truth or accuracy of something.
40. Substantiate - Provide evidence or proof to support or prove the truth of something.
41. Appraise - Assess or evaluate the value, quality, or significance of something.
42. Investigate - Examine or inquire into systematically and thoroughly.
43. Synopsize - Summarize or condense information into a concise form.
44. Rationalize - Justify or explain something in a way that seems reasonable.
45. Correlate - Establish a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
46. Scrutinize - Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
47. Confirm - Establish the truth or correctness of something.
48. Scrutinize - Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
49. Categorize - Arrange or classify things into specific categories or groups.
50. Analyze - Examine methodically and in detail.

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