I think
I believe
I realize
In my opinion
It appears that
I imagine
I understand
I my view
For example
To illustrate
In other words
Such as
For instance
To paraphrase
I think
I believe
I realize
In my opinion
It appears that
I imagine
I understand
I my view
For example
To illustrate
In other words
Such as
For instance
To paraphrase
( Part A Question/ Answer)
Q - Give the full names of the Wright brothers.
Ans 1- The full names of write brothers are Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright.
Q - What did the Wright brothers invent ?
Ans2- The Wright Brothers invented the first aeroplane.
Q - How do birds use their wings to turn and control their speed ?
Ans 3- Birds changed the shape and flapped their wings to turn and control their speed.
Q - Why did the Wright brothers design a motor ?
Ans 4- The Wright Brothers designed a motor because they decided to build a motor powered aircraft.
Q - How long did the first powered aircraft fly ?
Ans 5- The first powered aircraft flew for 12 seconds.
6. The first motor powered aeroplane was flown by Wilbur Wright.
C.Tick the correct
1. The Wright brothers spent hours together observing
A 1.Birds
2. The flyer was first flown for twelve seconds in
( Part D Question/ Answer)
Q - Why did the Wright brothers arch the tips of the wings of their first aircraft ?
Ans 1- Wright brothers arched the tips of the wings to control the balance and movement.
Q - Why was the shape of the glider wings changed ?
Ans 2- The shape of the glider wing was charged to fly it successfully.
Q- Where was a big full sized glider tested ?
Ans 3- A big full sized glider was tested at Kitty Hawk in North Carolina.
Q - State one problem that occurred in the glider of the Wright brothers in 1901?
Ans 4- In 1901, the glider of Wright brothers spun out of control.
Q - How was the movable tail of the aircraft useful ?
Ans 5- A movable tail of the aircraft helped to balance the aircraft.
Q - How did love for adventure and belief in themselves help the Wright brothers to invent aeroplane ?
ANS - The Wright brothers invented aeroplane as they did not give up and tried again and again because of their love for adventure and belief in themselves .
B. Identify the countable and uncountable nouns
Countable. Uncountable
Pan oil
Schools tea
City butter
Women jam
teacher juice
boy - boys
chair - chairs
city - cities
body - bodies
Story - stories storey. storeys
biography biographies chapter chapters
grade grades baby. babies
Boy - masculine
Girl - feminine
Students - common
D. Write masculine/ feminine/ common gender against the nouns
father Masculines children common
man Masculine woman feminine
people common cousins common
Spell well
Anagram means to rearrange the letters of a word to form a new word.
Time - item
listen - silent
A.Tick the correct:-
Ear - are palm - lamp
chin - inch waist - waits
face - cafe knee - keen
A2-Amritsar International Airport.
A3- Goa
A4- There are 449 airports in India.
A5- Air India , Jet Airways.
Word Meanings
1. Score- set of 20
2. Acquired - obtained
3. Hired - employed
4. Mare- a female horse
5.kumis- a special kind of drink
6. envied -to want something that another person has
7. brawl- fight
8. diminished - decreased
9. Kirghiz- people from kirgisistan
10. hospitality- friendly and generous reception of guests
11. fortune- destiny
12. row- fight
13. spoilt - change from good to bad
14. influential -famous ,well known
15. gradually -slowly
16. abundance - a large amount of
17. acquainted - to know someone
Part A Q/A
1. Elias turned wealthy within few years after his father's death. What was the reason behind this?
A 1. Elias was a good manager and his hard work made him wealthy
2. How did Elias treat the visitors who came to meet him?
A2. Elias welcomed the visitors and gave them food.
3. How did the sons of Elias change when he grew wealthy?
A3. His elder son was killed in a brawl and younger one stopped obeying Elias.
4. Who came to meet Muhammad Shah? Why were they surprised?
A 4. Some relatives came to meet Muhammad Shah. They were surprised knowing that Elias worked in Muhammad Shah's house.
B Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. Elias gave his son
(a) all that he had.
(b) a house and some cattle. ✓
(c) nothing
(d) only a house.
2. When Elias and his wife grew old, there
(a) was no one to look after them, ✓
(b) were his children to look after them.
(c) were many servants to look after them.
(d) were many friends to look after them.
C Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1. Elias had only seven mares, cows and about a score of sheep when his father died.
2. The elder son died in a brawl and the youngest son stopped obeying him.
3. Elias and his wife, left alone became old and poor, as the years passed by.
4. When in old age, Elias and his wife worked as labourers for Muhammad Shah who looked after them.
D Answer the following questions.
1. What kind of life did Elias lead when he became wealthy?
A. 1. Elias lived a life of comfort and abundance.
2. Mention any two important reasons that led Elias to poverty.
His sons were spoilt
Bad harvest.
Kirghiz stole his best horses.
Elias sold off everything.
3. What happened to Elias's children when he grew old?
A3. His daughter died and his elder son was killed in a brawl. The younger son left Elias.
4. Who employed Elias and Shem-Shemagi in old age? What work did he ask them to do?
A4. Muhammad Shah employed Elias and his wife in old age. He asked them to look after his melon garden in summer and feed his cattle in winter.
5. Answer with reference to the context.
Read the given sentence and answer the questions that follow.
"Fortune turns like a wheel. One man, it lifts, another it sets down."
(a) Who said these words and to whom?
A(a) The visitor of Muhammad Shah said this to him.
(b) Who is being referred to here?
A(b) Elias is being referred to here.
(c) How did fortune set down the person spoken about in the given lines?
A(c) Fortune set down Elias . Once he was very rich and then he and his wife worked in Muhammad Shah's house.
Q- According to Shem-Shemagi, why were she and her husband happy while working for Muhammad Shah? Do you agree with her?
A-According to Shem-Shemagi, Now they had lot of time to talk to each other and to prayer. They had nothing left to fight about . They got everything they wanted . They got true happiness. Yes, I agree with her.
Spell Well
A Rearrange the following letters to form meaningful words.
Word Power
Match the descriptions to their correct professions.
Column A Column B
1.one who sells sweets
and pastries. (f) confectioner
2. one who flies planes (a) pilot
3. one who teaches students. (h) teacher
4. one who designs buildings (c) architect
5. one who is in charge of a museum (b) curator
6. one who acts in a play or a movie. (d) actor
7. one whom you see when you are I'll. (e) doctor
8. a person who catches fish. (g) fisherman
Read the following riddles
and solve the followingFill the blank given in the following Message Writing
1. castle -a building with thick walls and Towers.
2. decorate - to make something look beautiful.
3. tower - a tall, narrow building which is a part of a castle.
4.glowing - bright light.
5. lashing - beating.
6. vast - big.
7. sunbathing - exposing the body to the Sun.
8.traditional food - food with prepared, with special method arrows, dose of pudding, made from rice water and milk.
9. arroz doce- a pudding made from rice, water and milk.
10.curiously- eager to know.
11. renowned - famous
12. flock- come in large numbers.
13. unforgettable - memorable.
14.keenly - eagerly.
15.flora and fauna - plants and animals.
16.literacy rate- average of people who are able to read and write
17. hired a cab -taking a taxi.
18.Sana -a dry rice cake.
19.Shack- a small shop.
20.Water surfing- sport of riding surfboard.
21.Water skiing -skiing on water toward by a motorboat
22.Scuba diving- swimming underwater.
23.Parasailing- gliding through the air, wearing an open parachute.
24.Water Scooter- Motor scooter riding on water.
25.Souvenirs- things that remind people of someplace,
26.Goans- people of Goa.
27.Cheerful - happy.
1. castle
2. beaches
3. popular
4. literacy
Write same meaning words of the following
Pre Periodic test
Evening shift
Name______ Class ______ Roll No _______
Ch 1 Momotaro- the brave boy
1. Word meaning of 'delicious'
a) end of something
b) begining of something
c) tasty
d) part of animal
2.Word Meaning of 'befriended'
a) went
b) gave
c) bought
d) became a friend
3.Who troubled the people of Momotaro's village ?
a) bird
b) monkey
c) dog
d) demons
4.What do you understand by the name ' Momotaro'?
a) peach boy
b) brave boy
c) slow boy
d) fast boy
5.Tick the correct answer- After being defeated , the demons gave Momotaro
a) some money
b) some peaches
c) all their weapons
d) all their treasures
6.True / False-
(1) Momotaro befriended the demons on his way
a) True
b) False
7.(2) The old man and his wife lived in Canada
a) True
b) False
8.Fill in the blanks -
1) The old woman cut the ___________ into two with a knife.
a) pet
b) food
c) peach
d) mango
9.Fill in the blanks -
( 2) The demons lived on an __________.
a) canada
b) mountain
c) village
d) island
10.How did the bird help Momotaro fight the demons?
a) The bird pecked at demon's eyes.
b) The bird bit the legs of demon.
c) The bird jumped at demon's back.
d) The bird killed demons with sword.
Pre Periodic Test
Topic- Adjective, Adverb and verb
1.Fill correct Adverb in the sentence--
* He usually cuts my hair ______.
a) quick
b) quickly
c) more quickly
2.Identify Adverb in the sentence--
* Rock looked at the Undertaker violently.
a) looked
b) undertaker
c) violently
3. Identify Adverb in the sentence--
* Jackie is walking to office leisurely.
a) walking
b) office
c) leisurely
4. Identify the Adjective in the sentence-- * The boy wore a blue shirt to the school.
a) boy
b) school
c) blue
5. Identify the Adjective in the sentence--
* I saw many animals at the zoo.
a) saw
b) many
c) animals
6) Identify the adjectives in the following sentence.
* That was a thick and tasty steak.
a) that and thick
b) thick and tasty
c) tasty steak
7) Identify the verb in the following sentence.
* She got the mail last week.
a) mail
b) got
c) last
8) Identify the verb in the following sentence.
* Drinking milk is good for health.
a) drinking
b) milk
c) good
9) Identify the verb in the following sentence.
* Rahul forgot his homework.
a) homework
b) forgot
c) Rahul
10) Identify the verb in the following sentence.
* I always read before bed.
a) always
b) read
c) bed